Monday, January 2, 2012

question....!!!!!!!! us task

LENI FITRIANI(105610001)

1.what IP addres????


"IP" stands for Internet Protocol, so an IP address is an Internet Protocol address. What does that mean? An Internet Protocol is a set of rules that govern Internet activity and facilitate completion of a variety of actions on the World Wide Web. Therefore an Internet Protocol address is part of the systematically laid out interconnected grid that governs online communication by identifying both initiating devices and various Internet destinations, thereby making two-way communication possible.

2.explain about the class of ip addressing class?

  • The first bit of class A IP address is 0, with a length of 8 bits net ID and host ID 24 bits long. So the first byte of the IP address class A has a range of 0-127. So in class A there are 127 networks with each network can accommodate about 16 million hosts (255x255x255). Class A IP address given to the network with a very large number of hosts, 
  • Two bits of a class B IP address is always set to 10 so the first byte is always a value between 128-191. Network ID is the first 16 bits and 16 bits are the host ID so that if any computer has the IP address, the network ID and host ID = 167 205 = 26 161. On. Class B IP address has IP range from to, which amounted to 65 255 network by the number of hosts per network host 255 x 255 or about 65 thousand hosts.
  • Class C IP address originally used for small networks such as LANs. The first three bits of a class C IP address is always set to 111. Network ID consists of 24 bits and 8 bits of remaining host ID so it can be formed about 2 million networks with each network has 256 hosts.
  • Class D IP address used for multicasting. The first four bits of a class D IP address is always set 1110 so the first byte ranges between 224-247, while the next bit is set as required using the IP multicast group address. In multicasting is not known the term network ID and host ID
  • Class E IP address is not made ​​available for public use. The first four bits of the IP address of this class is set 1111 so the first byte ranges between 248-255.

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