Monday, September 26, 2011



Network topology is the definition of how computers, printers, network devices, and other devices terkoneksi.yang describe the network topology is the layout of cables and devices and data paths used by transmissions.spesification topology greatly affect the way the network works.
Physical topology refers to the physical layout of the device and media.commonly physical topology used is
1.       Bus
2.       Ring.
3.       Star
4.       Extended star
  1. Hierarchical
  2. Mesh

The illustrates of different physical topology


This is an example of a picture image that is different topology
And below are definitions of some commonly used topologies are:
Show many different topologies connected by networking devices.a network it of moderate complexcity that is typhical and used of a school or small business.


Bus topology

Commonly called a linear bus topology bus topology bus connects all devices using a single cable, and cable is the result of one of the next computerto as bus lines going through the city, with the topology of this segment of the main cable and a terminator that must absorb the signal when reseaches end of the line or wire.Bus topology are common in the early days, because they use a single coaxial cable LAN to connect multiple PCs and printers.

The stars and Extended Topology

Physical topology star topology is commonly used in Ethernet LAN, when installed, star topology resembles the fingers in a bicycle wheel. where all the cables meet. advantages of a star topology make it worth the extra cost.becouse each host is connected to a central device with a cable oun, when the cable goes wrong, only the host that is affected
,the remaining benefits networkremains operational.this very important and why virtually every Ethernet LAN and has a newly designed topology pgysical star.
A central connection point may be desirable to acces orrestrited security, but is also a major disadvantage of star topology. If the central device fails, the entire network becomes disconnected.


When a star network expanded to include an additional nerworking devices connected to the main network device, it is called an extended star topology.


Star topology and star topology is extended to become more clear in later chapters when the switches and routers are discussed in more detail.

      Ring topology

Logical ring topology is an important topology in LAN connectivity. hosts are connected in a ring topology or a bus topology circle. ring topology has no beginning, and need transmitted by way of contrast to a logical bus topology. A journey frame around the ring, stopping at each node to transmit
file node.if, he is allowed to add that file to the frame and the frame destination address. continues around the ring until it finds a goal node, which takes advantage of file from the frame.

There are two different types of rings are
o Single Ring
o Double Ring

All devices on a network share a single cable, each waiting their turn directions to send
fileover a single ring topology network. DSCI0695

In a double ring, two rings can be sent in both directions, this configuration creates redundancy (fault tolerance), which means that ifone ring failed, and the data can be transmitted on the ring.

·         Hierarchical topology
Hierarchical topology similar to the topology axtended node.Instead bintang.yaitu not use the center, but uses the node from which branches to other nodes.

FULL-MESH and Partial-mesh topology

Full mesh topology connects all devices (nodes) with each other for redundancy and fault tolerance, the cable in a full mesh topology has a very distinct advantages and benefits Disadvantages. that each node is connected physically to every other node, which creates a connection. if the excess of each link fails, information can flow through another link to reach it destination. The main disadvantage is that for something jumlahmya smaller than the node, the number of media to link and the number of connection lines into a full mesh topology overwhelming.Implementing expensive and Difficult. full mesh topology is usually implemented in a WAN between the routers,

In a partial mesh topology, a device the latter maintains some connection to other people with out being fully connected, partial mesh topology still provides redundancy by having multiple alternatives routes.jika one route can not be used, the data will take the route that laintopologi mesh used for bone back many telecommunications, and internet
Topology LOGICAL

logical topology describes the high level structure of a network and describe the traffic flow, the two most common types of logical topology and token passing btoadcast.
Broadcast topology simply means that each host address data for a specific NIC, to the multicast address, or to the broadcast address on network medium.ada order that the stations must follow to use network.ini first came.
The second logical topology is token passing. Token passing controls network access by passing an electronic token sequentially to each host host, can send data on the network. If the host has no data to send, it will give the token to the next host, and repeat the process itself. networks that use token passing are Token Ring and FDDI, are both examples of token passing on a physical ring topology.

Protocol suite is a collection of protocols that enablenetwork communication from one host over the network to another protocol host.a is a formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern certain aspects of how the devices on the network komunikasi.Protocols determine the format, timing, sequencing, and control communication.Without errors in the data protocol, the computer can not create or rebuild the incoming bit stream from another computer into the original data.

Protocol control all aspects of data communication. determine how the physical network is built, how the computer is connected to the network, how data formatted for transmission, and how data is dikirim.ini network rules created and managed by different organizations and committees.
·         Institut Insinyur Listrik dan Elektronika (IEEE)
·         American National Standards Intitute (ANSI)
·         Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
·         Industri Elektronik Alliance (EIA)
·         International Telecommunication Union (ITU), sebelumnya dikenal sebagai CCITT (Cominte Consultatif Internasional Telephoniqua et Telegraphique)
LAN consists of a computer, the card inter-network, peripheral devices, network Menia, and devices.LANs network allows for businesses that use computer technology to local and printer sharing file4s efficiently and create internal communication possible, such as e-mail.LANs of shared data, local communications, and computing equipment.

LANs are designed to do the following:
• Operate within a limited geographic area
• Allows many users of high bandwidth media acces tp
• Provide full-time connectivity to local services
• Connect the device is physically contiguous

Some common LAN technologies

• Ethernet
• Token Ring
WAN LAN interconnection. WAN providing LAN access to compute or file server in another locations.becouse WAN network connecting users in a wide geographic area, they allow for large companies to communicate.

Using the WAN allows computers, printers, and other devices on the LAN to share and be shared with the remote location. Deliver instant WAN capacity communicationacross areas. to send an instant message (IM) to any person anywhere in the world providing the same communication capabilities.

WAN is designed to do the following:
• Operators with large, geographically dispersed areas
• Allows users to engage in real time communication with other users
• Provide time, resources that are connected to local services
• Provide e-mail, world wide web, file transfer, and e-commerce services
some common WAN technologies:
• Modems
• integrated service digital network (ISDN)
• Digital subscriber line (DSL)
• Frame relay
• TI or EI leased lines
• syncronous Optical Network (SONET)
And furthermore MAN

A MAN is a network that includes metropolitan area, such as cities, MAN is a network that connects LANs separated by distance and located within the general geographic area, such as branch banks may be using MAN MAN.In usedmultiple which describes two LAN networks that connect LANs using the site personal communication path or optical services, a MAN can also be made using wireless.
The following features are different from the MAN LAN and WAN.
o MAN interconnect users in the geographic area on a larger area than that covered by a LAN but smaller than the area covered by the WAN.
o MAN connect the network in a city into a single larger network
o MAN is also used to interconnect multiple LANs by bridging them with backbone lines.

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